Attenuators PART#: 313L-XX-5-D43In-Line Ultra Wideband Attenuator, 600-6000MHz, 5 Watts, -161dBc PIM, 4.3-10 M-F PART#: 313L-XX-10-D43In-Line Ultra Wideband Attenuator, 600-6000MHz, 10 Watts, -161dBc PIM, 4.3-10 M-F PART#: 313L-XX-20-D43In-Line Ultra Wideband Attenuator, 600-6000MHz, 20 Watts, -161dBc PIM, 4.3-10 M-F PART#: 313L-XX-30-D43In-Line Ultra Wideband Attenuator, 600-6000MHz, 30 Watts, -161dBc PIM, 4.3-10 M-F PART#: 313L-XX-40-D43In-Line Ultra Wideband Attenuator, 600-6000MHz, 40 Watts, -161dBc PIM, 4.3-10 M-F PART#: 313L-XX-50-D43In-Line Ultra Wideband Attenuator, 600-6000MHz, 50 Watts, -161dBc PIM, 4.3-10 M-F PART#: 313L-XX-80-D43In-Line Ultra Wideband Attenuator, 600-6000MHz, 80 Watts, -161dBc PIM, 4.3-10 M-F PART#: 313L-XX-100-D43In-Line Ultra Wideband Attenuator, 600-6000MHz, 100 Watts, -161dBc PIM, 4.3-10 M-F PART#: 313-XX-2-QMA2W Low Power Attenuator, DC-6000MHz, QMA M-F PART#: 313-XX-2-D432W Low Power Attenuator, DC-6000MHz, 4.3-10 M-F PART#: 313-XX-5-D43 5W Low Power Attenuator, DC-6000MHz, 4.3-10 M-F PART#: 314LV-30-D43-QMAVertical Module with 4 Attenuators (30dB), 600-6000MHz, 4.3-10 Input and QMA out PART#: R314LV-4RURack Tray for Vertically Mounted Attenuator Module PART#: 314LH-30-D43-QMAHorizontal Module with 4 Attenuators (30dB), 600-6000MHz, 4.3-10 Input and QMA out PART#: R314LH-1RURack Tray for Horizontally Mounted Attenuator Module PART#: ASSM-112B-A30-QMAVertical Module with 2 Attenuators (30dB), and 2 Splitters 600-6000MHz, 4.3-10 Input and QMA out