Welcome to Innowave RF
Innowave RF, LLC. is a global leading designer and manufacturer of RF and Microwave products for wireless and communication industries from DC to 40 GHz. We have several years of experience in design, deveolpment and both high and low volume manfacturing of Microwave and RF components. Innowave RF has a wide range of product portfolio spanning across the different product lines such aa a Power Combiners/Dividers, Directional Couplers, Lumped element filters, Micro-strip filters,Strip-line filters, Cavity filters and Waveguide filters upto 40GHz.
We don't just sell Products, We design Solutions.
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Innowave RF is commited to provide quality products that always exceed the customer's exceptations with on time deliver and Competitive pricing. Our quality and customer focus is evident in everything we design, manufacture, test and ship to our customer. It's this imporatance on quality, innovative technology and complete manufacturing solutions that drives your business and provide our customers with significant competitive advantages in the global marketplaces.

In addition to our growing standard product offering, we specialize in custom design and proposing unique innovative solutions to our customers. A significant portion of new and existing customers takes advantage of our custom engineering solutions to suit their specific needs. We take pride in partnering with our customers during the product concept and the initial exploration phase to provide enhanced value. Once the customer has finalized the technical specifications our technical team
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